Get the Radio Kansas App!

Point your phone’s camera here to open our mobile app!

We recently streamlined our streams, eliminating the need for special software. Just click a link above to start listening! If you do have a favorite app, you’ll find us more places than ever – in the iHeart Radio app, the Radio Kansas Mobile App page, TuneIn app, etc. Voice Assistants like Alexa and “Hey, Google” now work better, even if they do sometimes think that when you say “Radio Kansas” you mean “radio, Kansas,” and they start playing 70’s progressive rock by the band! (Prompt those assistants with “Radio Kansas on iHeart Media,” and you may do better.)

You’ll find updated instructions on our streaming page and updated links above. If you’re away from your radio or in a basement where FM can’t reach, fire up an app on Wi-Fi and take a listen!